Cultural Immersion Program

St Raphael's School is thrilled to welcome 12 Chinese families, including students and their parents, for a special four and five week cultural immersion program in Adelaide. This initiative promises to be a fantastic experience for both our students and the visiting Chinese students, fostering cultural understanding, expanding imaginations, and providing practical, real-world learning across boundaries, oceans, and languages.

Enhancing Cultural Understanding


Cultural Immersion: Students from both countries will engage in daily school activities, allowing them to experience and appreciate each other's educational systems and cultural practices firsthand.

Language Exchange: Interactions will provide a natural setting for language learning, helping students improve their proficiency in English and Mandarin.

Shared Traditions: Participating in local Adelaide experiences and traditional Australian activities will give Chinese students a deeper understanding of Australian culture, while our students will learn about Chinese traditions and customs through their peers.

Lifelong Friendships: Building relationships with students from another country will create lasting connections and networks that can benefit them in the future.


Expanding Imaginations


Global Perspectives: Exposure to different ways of thinking and problem-solving will broaden students' horizons and encourage innovative thinking.

Creative Collaboration: Joint projects and activities will inspire creativity and collaboration, fostering a sense of global citizenship.

Cultural Showcases: Events where students present aspects of their culture will help each child to appreciate the beauty and diversity of global traditions.


Program Highlights


Our Chinese families arrived during the holidays to start school at the commencement of Term. The Chinese students are integrated into all year levels, participating in regular school activities. Throughout their stay the Chinese students will have the opportunity to participate in a range of Australian experiences and local Adelaide activities for our visitors to enjoy.

Academic Focus and Immersion

Our program is specifically designed for Chinese students who want to experience life and learning in Australia. They will explore and discover what Australian culture has to offer through a strong focus on academics and cultural immersion.

Mathematics: Students will explore practical applications of mathematics through hands-on activities and problem-solving challenges aligned with the Australian Curriculum.

Health: Workshops on healthy living and nutrition, including cooking demonstrations of Australian cuisine, will provide valuable insights into healthy lifestyles.

English: Students will practice their English speaking through storytelling opportunities and writing workshops. They will also read a variety of English texts with the support of their teachers.

Science: Hands-on experiments will allow students to engage with scientific concepts in a practical and interactive manner.

Visual Arts: Experiences that explore Aboriginal art techniques and Australian themes will enrich students' understanding of local art and culture.

Sports and Outdoor Activities: Promoting teamwork and physical fitness, these activities will help students build strong, healthy bodies and minds.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to our Chinese partners for making this cultural exchange possible. Their efforts have paved the way for a unique and enriching experience that will benefit all students involved.

St Raphael's School is excited to embark on the next weeks, welcoming our Chinese students and looking forward to the mutual educational growth that this program promises to deliver. This is not just an educational exchange but a full immersion into Australian culture for our new Chinese friends.