Newsletter 14 2022

Dear Parents/Caregivers, Students, Staff and Friends of St Raphael's School,
Welcome to Week 8!
We have moved through this term in lightning speed, and we have much to celebrate. No doubt your children are coming home sharing news of their day at school. Our seesaw posts are a great way to see what is happening in your child/ren’s learning.
National Day of Mourning Thursday 22 September
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced that Australians will be given a public holiday, to mourn the contribution Queen Elizabeth II made to our country. This day has been officially called the ‘National Day of Mourning’ and will be taking place on Thursday 22 September. OSHC will not be available on this day because this day is deemed a public holiday.
Building Project Update
Our new Stage 2 building plans are well underway. We have been working in close association with Studio 9 Architects and our plans are almost ready for council submission. From this point it will take a further 10-12 weeks to proceed to the next stage, which will be to go to building tender. It has been a long process and we are grateful to Catholic Education SA for providing the necessary resourcing to fund this project.
We were able to give a ‘birds eye view’ of our building plan to Board members last night at our Board Meeting. We will certainly see a few changes to our school beginning next year. I will keep our community abreast of all developments as they progress.
2023 Planning
As we are approaching the end of Term 3, I ask our parent community to inform me in writing if their circumstances change and students will not be returning in 2023. Except for graduating Year 6 students, the assumption is that all other students are returning, unless informed otherwise. As per our Enrolment Policy the school requires a term’s notice.
Touch Football Carnival
Last week most of our students from Years 3-6 participated in the Catholic Interschool Touch Footy Carnival at the Greenhill Road Park 17 grounds. We thank our volunteers, Bridget Jarman, Masimo Paradisio and teachers Hannah Reid, Anthony Sicari, David Monti, Georgia Angeletti and Jeanette Archer. We endeavour to provide many opportunities for our students to shine in many avenues and this was just another opportunity.
School and Parish Partnerships
We thank Fr Denis Travers cp and Sue Schulz for their continued support of our school. On the last day of term we will be attending a whole school picnic at the Monastery. This day has been planned to provide our students the opportunity to celebrate together and to experience a few fun activities. This day has been made possible by the generosity of the Glen Osmond/Parkside Parish who are providing the funds for the bus transportation both to and from the Monastery and par-taking in the activities. Fr Denis and Sue are both regular visitors to our school, bringing their talents and time to our community. We are indeed fortunate to have a strong and supportive parish-school relationship.
With every best wish,
Mia Harms

We have had a busy couple of weeks here at St Raphael’s School as the term is racing to the final weeks. I hope families are keeping well and enjoying the glimpses of sunshine as the season has changed. I have included some of the recent and upcoming Religious Identity and Mission aspects of school life in this report. If you have any questions about the content of this portion of the newsletter please don’t hesitate to contact me at
Community Prayer
The school community has been celebrating weekly Community Prayer on Thursday mornings with each class taking responsibility for the readings. Families have been welcomed to join us to celebrate these mornings and having a for a cup of tea or coffee while they wait for prayer to start.
Father’s Day Morning Tea and Liturgy
We celebrated Father’s Day on 2 September with a morning tea and Liturgy for significant male role models in the lives of the children. The Liturgy was led by our School Ambassadors and the members of the Student Voice Committee. This was a well-attended event in the hall for morning tea then for our liturgy which featured images of our staff as fathers (or partners with their children), and with their fathers and grandfathers.
Religious Literacy testing will take place towards the end of the term for students in Year 4. This occurs each year and is organised similar to NAPLAN in that the students answer questions online and the questions are modified as they proceed through the test. The grade they receive is not reflected in their Religious Education School Report at the end of the year. Instead, a separate grade is sent home. I will include more information on ReLAT in a future report.
The Made In The Image Of God (MITIOG), Human Sexuality curriculum is mandated for South Australian Catholic Schools, for Years R-12. Each year our students engage with age-appropriate curriculum content regarding sexuality through this (MITIOG) curriculum. This year the Human Sexuality Curriculum will be taught during Term 4 (Weeks 1-3). The content to be covered in the MITIOG, Human Sexuality Curriculum will be in line with curriculum outlined by the South Australian Catholic Education Office.
Mercy Week
Mercy Week will be held in Week 10 of this term. The week culminates in an excursion to the Monastery on Friday 30 September. A letter has been sent home today seeking permission for the excursion and outlining the activities offered on the day. We are very fortunate to have such a strong relationship with the Parish that they welcome us to their grounds and support our activities for the day.
Andrea Bishop
Acting Assistant Principal, Religious Identity and Mission

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Student Voice Representatives
We welcome Maria to our Student Voice team for Semester 2. She will be representing her Year 3 class alongside Reggie. Our recent donut fundraiser for the Advertiser Blanket Appeal was a wonderful success and we were pleased to raise $95 towards the appeal. A big thanks to Vili’s for supplying the delicious donuts.
Last Friday, Tony from Catholic Mission, came to speak to us about Socktober. Our Student Voice Representatives will be leading our school in a penalty shootout fundraiser next term. Catholic Mission this year are supporting families in Emdibir, Ethiopia to breed goats whose milk contains essential nutrients for babies and their families. Tony spoke to the students about how just $50 will purchase a goat for the community. Just like Pope Francis, who loved playing soccer as a young boy in Argentina, our leaders will make recycled sockballs for our shootout next term. We are asking for donations of old T-shirts, shopping bags (Foodland, not Woolies/Coles) and bubble wrap. For more information about Socktober and Catholic Missions please visit
Sky Watch Incursion
What’s inside this inflatable dome?
As part of the Year 5 and 6 Science unit of work exploring Earth and Space, our learners experienced an amazing incursion exploring Earth’s place in space as well as other natural phenomena. Students also engaged in a stargazing session while encapsulated in the huge blow-up dome housed in the Hall. It was a unique opportunity led by an informative presenter from Sky Watch.
Mathematics Intervention
At St Raphael’s School we have implemented a Mathematics Intervention Program aimed for students requiring additional support in consolidating the learning that is occurring within their classrooms. The small group intervention sessions further support the development and retention of our learners’ mathematical understanding. Through our data collection, we have been able to target known gaps for these learners. The intervention sessions are led by Mrs Julie Purdie, Year 3 Teacher and Numeracy Intervention Teacher. These small group sessions occur once per week over several weeks depending on the targeted focus. We are committed to providing targeted support for our learners in both Literacy and Numeracy at St Raphael’s School.
Mercy Values
As you would be aware, through consultation with students, staff and families, our school has selected three Mercy Values that are part of our school vision and mission. At St Raphael’s we are compassionate, respectful, and just. To assist our community in understanding and living out these values, we have created three statements for each value, like our Learner Dispositions, that further explain what each value means and enables our learners to make meaningful connections. I am happy to share these statements below and look forward to our values being published in a variety of ways around our school, including the inclusion of them as part of our student awards.
- I act with empathy
- I show love and kindness
- I notice and respond to the feelings of others with care
- I value diversity
- I treat others how I would like to be treated
- I uphold the dignity of self, others and creation
- I am fair
- I show concern for those in need
- I do what it right even when it is challenging
We aspire to embed our Mercy Values and Learner Dispositions into all that we do, say, think and feel as members of this wonderful school community where we all learn and belong.
Have a lovely week ahead!
Kelly Manera
Assistant Principal – Director of Learning

Drama Club
When: Every Friday during lunch play
Years: 4, 5 and 6
After Drama Clubs two successful performances of the pantomime show Goldilocks and the Three Bears (in Weeks 2 and 5), there has been an outstanding number of students who have expressed interest in pursuing a new Theatre project in Term 4.
Additionally, to ensure that all participating students can have a speaking role, Mrs. Flynn is currently writing a Christmas Comedy for our student actors, which will be presented to a live audience next term (details TBC and published in school newsletter).
Rehearsals will commence this Friday (Week 8) and as always, children from Years 4, 5 and 6 are warmly invited to join the cast or embrace an off-stage role. Also, students who do not wish to actively participate (but are curious) are welcome to attend lunch time rehearsals and support their friends/classmates from the audience.
Ukulele Club
When: Every Friday during Lesson 2
Years: 3 and 4
After their performance at the Instrumental Concert in Week 5, participating Ukulele Club members have commenced learning a variety of new songs, including ‘Photograph’ (by Ed Sheeran) and ‘A Thousand Years’ (by Christina Perri).
Additionally, last week our club members participated in a memory activity, where children challenged themselves to physically organise and display an assortment of popular ukulele chords (including C/F/Am/C7/G/G7/D) using masking tape, which represented the four strings and props/objects, which represented specific ukulele chords (For example: Red hat = C chord). Also, participating students were required to work together and were not permitted to look at their ukuleles until after the activity had concluded.
Following this, all participating students were pleasantly surprised to see how much they could remember without even needing to look at their instruments/colour stickers for direction. Well done team!
Choir Ensemble
A reminder that our participating Year 5 and 6 Choir students will be performing at the Catholic Schools Music Festival on Thursday 29 September at 7:30pm.
Ticket sales have officially opened to the public (via Ticketek) and it is a very exciting year as the event will be returning to the Adelaide Festival Centre after two years of not being able to access the iconic venue due to the COVID19 pandemic.
Ticket Sales:
Ticketek Online (in the top search bar, type ‘Hear Us’ or ‘Catholic Schools Music Festival’ and select THURSDAY evenings performance).
If your child would like to take part in the Year 5/6 Choir Ensemble next year, it would be advantageous for them to attend this upcoming performance. Additionally, it would also be wonderful for our current choir students to see some familiar faces in the audience!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the performance in Week 10.
Kindest Regards,
Mandy Flynn
Performing Arts Coordinator

This term, Year 6 students have been learning about Economics and Business, and they have organised a fair for St Raphael’s School students on Tuesday 27 September (Week 10). The fair will run for about an hour and students will be able to visit stalls run by Year 6 students. There will be Slam-Dunk, World Cup Penalty Shootout, Lucky Bowling, Disco Dancing and Nerf Battles. (There will be no food and drink stalls, so students will bring their normal recess and lunch for the day.) All monies raised will be donated to MercyWorks who support disadvantaged communities around Australia. Please support our Year 6 entrepreneurs and MercyWorks by sending your child to the fair with some money to spend at the stalls. Stalls will range from approximately 50 cents to $1.50.
Thank you.

Touch Football Carnival
Last Thursday 51 students from Years 3-6 participated in the annual SACPSSA Touch Football Carnival, held on Greenhill Road. Over the course of the term these year levels have been practicing the skills and games sense awareness of touch football in their Physical Education lessons. All six teams had successful days, coming away with many wins! We were fortunate enough that the sun came out which ensured we all had a fun day out. A huge thankyou to Mr Sicari, Mr Monti, Miss Angeletti, Mrs Archer, Mr Paradisio and Bridget Jarman for coaching teams on the day. We could not have done it without you.
Term 3 Sport
Next week is the last session of our Kelly Sports ‘Multi Sport Spring Program’, these sessions are run for our Reception – Year 2 students after school on a Wednesday, this term students have participated in AFL, Basketball and Netball. Next term Kelly Sports ‘Summer Sports’ program will be offered. Information on how to enrol your child can be found in the side content of this newsletter.
Next week is also the last game for school Netball. This has been the first year St Raphael’s School have registered a team in the Subway Thunder Cup. A huge congratulations to the 11 students from Years 4 -6, they have come so far over the course of Term 2 and 3, gaining more wins as the season progresses and significantly improving their skills. Huge thankyou to Samantha Stolz and Nadine Pike for coaching the team this season.
School Soccer is also concluding, this year we have five students participating in soccer from Years 3 -5. Due to the few students wanting to play, we are very thankful to St Joseph’s Memorial School for allowing us to join their teams, supply parent coaches and provide opportunities for our students.
Save the date: Water Safety Education
Monday 28 November – Thursday 1 December. Week 7, Term 4, 2022
It is with excitement that I let you know that students in R-5 at St Raphael’s School will be involved in WATER SAFETY EDUCATION as part of the Health and Physical Education program. Access to water and participation in aquatic activities in, on and around the water plays a significant part in the lives of Australians. Pools, rivers, lakes and beaches provide opportunities to enjoy a variety of sport and recreational activities and safety in and around these environments is of utmost importance.
What is Water Safety Education? Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) Water Safety Education program provides an educational experience that:
- Is designed to encourage students to think for themselves, make good decisions and understand the consequences through simulated open water scenarios and personal survival strategies.
- Promotes confidence and awareness by providing opportunities for students to develop skills and knowledge that can help to keep them and others safe in a variety of aquatic environments.
- Focuses on what primary school children are able to learn in their school program to ensure they are able to save themselves in potentially dangerous situations.
The program is based on the belief that, if we only have one opportunity to teach children what they should do if they fall into open water, these are the key skills they actually need to learn. It is important that children learn the skills and knowledge and gain the understanding and ability to make good decisions around water and keep themselves and others safe.
Hannah Reid
PE Teacher and Coordinator
This term we are learning about our community. We are currently looking at our Mercy value of respect and thinking about what that looks like and sounds like in our community.
We can show respect for ourselves by:
Focusing on our work so we can learn- Isla
By taking care of our bodies and eating- Henry
We can show respect for others by:
Saying nice words- Sam
Letting people play- Audrey
We can show respect for creation and our environment by:
Picking up rubbish- Emily
Packing up properly- Jake

Term 3 event
The Working Bee is Saturday 24 September from 10am to midday. Please come along with your children to help plant new shrubs, re-fill the sandpit, weed our gardens and generally help maintain a clean and tidy school. Tea, coffee and snacks will be provided.
Term 4 event
One Friday 25 November please attend our morning baking session from 9am to bake goods to sell at our Parents and Friends fundraising stall, at The Monastery's car boot sale on 27 November. Donations of quality goods will also be accepted.
Next Meeting
Next meeting will be Term 4, Week 1, Tuesday 18 October at 6pm online through TEAMS. Please email Katrina to be invited on
Katrina Tucker
Marketing and Communications Coordinator

Fee statements have been sent home to all families with an outstanding balance.
Instalment Term 3 - Due Date 16 September
Instalment Term 4 - Due Date 4 November
Please assist us by keeping fee payments up to date.
If you have having difficulties paying school fees, it is important that you contact the school finance office to discuss and make alternate payment arrangements.
2023 school fees
A reminder that our 2023 school fees will remain unchanged at the reduced 2021 fee. This includes fee free for 2023 mid-year Reception.
We are mindful of the financial pressures being faced by many families and our fee structure does include additional fee relief for families on lower incomes.
A full schedule of our fees is available on our website.
The fee reduction will not impact the quality of education at our school. We will continue our commitment to the care, wellbeing and academic development of our students.
Damian Emery
Finance Officer

Loneliness is something all human beings face at times in our lives. The last couple of years have brought loneliness to the forefront for many people, including children. Especially those around tween and teen ages. I have included a short article on what you can do to help your child if you think they may be lonely, or if they have told you they feel that way.
Meaningful connections are such an important aspect for self-confidence, so it's very important to take the time to help children make solid relationships, in a number of places such as school, extended family, sporting or activity groups, local community, and even with pets and animals.
Sarah Byrnes
School Counsellor
Important Dates
School Photos
Working Bee
Mercy Week commences
Mercy Week Stalls
Term 3 concludes
Pupil Free Day/Staff First Aid Training
Term 4 commences
Japanese Spring Festival (rescheduled event)

National Day of Mourning - Thursday 22 September

Following Queen Elizabeth II's recent passing, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has proclaimed Thursday, 22 September 2022 as a public holiday to commemorate the National Day of Mourning.
Our Japanese Spring Festival scheduled for this day has been postponed to 27 October 2022 (Term 4).
Community Prayer

St Raphael's School is pleased to launch our Community Prayer Morning.
Please join us for a weekly recharge at our Community Prayer Morning. Every Thursday from 9am, in the school hall, followed by coffee, tea and biscuits. No RSVP necessary.
Parish Bulletin

Please enjoy reading the latest version of the Parish Bulletin which is available here.

Kelly Sports

Kelly Sports are offering two new programs for students. Information about their Sensational Spring Holiday program is available here and find out more about the Term 4 Super Spring Sports program by clicking here.