Newsletter 15 2021

Dear Parents/Caregivers, Students, Staff, and Friends of St Raphael’s School,
Mercy Week
This week we will celebrate Mercy Week; a week of activities designed to remind us of our beginnings as a Catholic school founded by the Mercy Sisters. We have a long and rich history beginning in 1889 and we are still going strong! During the week teachers have designed learning around our themes of outreach, justice and charity. Today all students were invited to participate in the fundraising activities organised by the Year 6 leaders. All proceeds from today’s efforts will go towards supporting MercyWorks. The school disco proceeds, held last Friday night, will also go towards supporting MercyWorks. I thank our families for their support
On Friday 24 September we celebrate Mercy Day and all students will be attending an excursion to the Monastery, where the celebrations will continue beginning with a whole School Mass followed by a tour of the grounds. We have organised a few other fun activities finishing off with a picnic on the Monastery lawns. We thank Fr Denis Travers and the parish team for their continued support and generosity in making this day possible.
2021 Adelaide Diocesan Assembly
Fr Denis Travers, Kelly Manera and I attended the recent 2021 Adelaide Diocesan Assembly held at Cabra Dominican College of 400 delegates that included clergy, religious orders, personnel from Catholic Education and Catholic agency services, representatives from migrant communities, and parishioners representing their parishes across the diocese. The intent of the assembly was to listen, discern and construct recommendations for the Plenary Council based on various themes raised from the pre consultation process when Catholics in Australia were invited to respond to, ‘What do you think God is asking of us in Australia at this time?’ Themes for discussion and recommendation included: Inclusion and Healing, Leadership and Leadership Formation, Faith Formation and Spiritual Development, Parish Life and Liturgy, A Church that Responds to the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor, Outreach and Accompaniment of Children, Families and Young People. It was a privilege to attend and have our voices heard.
Catholic Schools Music Festival
On Thursday 23 September several students from Year 5 and Year 6 will be performing in the Catholic Schools Music Festival at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. We are one of numerous Catholic schools that will be gathered together to create a combined massed choir of over 500 students. The Festival began on Monday evening with different combinations of choirs performing over the course of the week. We thank Amanda Rugari who has prepared our school choir and to the many parents/caregivers who have supported this initiative. This is one of the highlights of the year and a great celebration of the combined talents of many students across the Catholic Schools in South Australia.
Staffing News
Ms Jodi Jansons will be leaving our community early next term as she has won a position as College Accountant, at St Dominic’s Priory College. Jodi has worked with us as Finance Officer for the last 12 years. We are in the process of finding a suitably qualified replacement and we wish Jodi all the very best as she takes up her new position next term.
Summer Uniform Term 4
I remind families that students return to school next term wearing their full summer uniform. As the weather can be unpredictable, students will have a two-week phase in period wearing their winter uniform on their return to school, if they wish. Please ensure that your child/ren either wear their full summer uniform or winter uniform and not a combination of both. If parents/caregivers need to purchase any part of the uniform, contact the Office for details.
I wish all students and their families a safe and happy term break and I look forward to your return on Monday 11 October 2021.
With every best wish,
Mia Harms

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Here we are at the end of Term 3! The children have really embraced all the wonderful learning experiences offered by our dedicated staff at St Raphael’s. It has been a ‘full’ term of events!
Mercy Week
This week we are celebrating Mercy Week. Each day classes are focussing on different themes such as our school history and beginnings, Sr Catherine McAuley and the Mercy sisters, Mercy values and symbols, Catholic Social Teaching and outreach locally and abroad. Our Year 3 children have been busy baking biscuits to give to those receiving meals from Fred’s Van and on Wednesday our Year 6 students, as part of their business studies, will run stalls and activities to raise money for MercyWorks, a charitable organisation which is a development arm of the Sisters of Mercy in Australia and Papua New Guinea.
Our week will conclude with a whole school visit to the Monastery, where we will celebrate Mass at St Paul of the Cross Church and participate in tours of the gardens, grounds and Stations of the Cross led by Fr Denis, Fr Tony and Fr Patrice. We look forward to a connected day as school and parish and thank Fr Denis and the team for their continued hospitality.
Our wonderful school was founded in 1889 by the Mercy Sisters and is a small school with a rich history and big heart! We have much to be grateful for this week and we acknowledge some of the mercy values that speak to who we are: compassionate, inclusive, just and relational.
What is Catholic Social Teaching?
Catholic Social Teaching (CST) is Catholic doctrine on matters of human dignity and the common good of society. It offers a way of thinking, being and seeing the world and is often embedded in our Religious Education units of work. Some major themes of CST include: Preferential Option for the Poor, Dignity of the Human Person, Care for our Common Home, Subsidiarity and Participation (the role of people in positions of power is to look after the good of all) and Solidarity (to stand in solidarity with our one human family).
For more information visit
Diocesan Assembly
It was a privilege to represent our School and Parish at last weekend’s Adelaide Diocesan Assembly where we were joined by over 400 delegates, including clergy, religious, CESA personnel, Catholic agencies, schools and parishioners. It was an opportunity to dialogue and construct some recommendations for our diocese and for those representing Adelaide at the upcoming Plenary Council. The dialogue, prayer and connectedness was definitely heart-warming and I hope gatherings of this sort continue to be part of an open and inclusive Church, where all are made to feel welcome.
As we head into the school holidays, I wish all families a safe and restful break!
God bless,
Kelly Manera 
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission

Yesterday I joined the Reception class as they were engaging in their morning prayer. As always, I was struck by the reverence with which each of the children came together as they formed their prayer circle and joined their voices and hearts in prayer. As the opportunity to offer a prayer of intercession was passed around the group, these 5 year olds (some very newly 5!) prayed out loud, not for themselves, but for each other. ‘I pray that Miss Rowson has a good day, I pray that Audrey feels better, I pray that Sam has a good day... and on it went. This ability to care deeply for another and to want what is best for them, is formed by you, their families, and nurtured by our Catholic values, intimate school environment and dedicated teachers.
The wellbeing of our students is paramount to their learning. We know that when children feel connected, safe and valued they are more able to learn. One mechanism we have to collect information about how your child is feeling at school and about their learning, is through the CESA Classroom Pulse Check which students engage in each term. Early Years students respond to statements such as ‘My teacher cares for me’, ‘I feel I belong at school’ and ‘I have a say in my learning’ by selecting an emoji representing Most of the time, Sometimes or Not Very Often. Older students respond to a series of questions such as; ‘List three things in this class/school that help you maintain positive relationships’ and ‘List three things in this class/school that make it difficult for you to maintain positive relationships’. They are also asked whether they feel they matter to their teachers and whether they have a say in their learning.
The information collected is immediately provided back to the school in order that teachers can analyse the responses and act upon them. The Pulse Check, which began late last year and is used by every Catholic School in South Australia, also provides us an overview of our students' wellbeing across the year and, eventually, across the years of their schooling.
Whilst teachers can and do put programs into place to support the wellbeing of our students, there are times when more intensive support is needed. The employment of our school counsellor, Joanna Burdorf, was undertaken as a further way we can support the social and emotional wellbeing of our students. Joanna, who is a qualified counsellor and teacher, began with us last week and will continue to be available each Tuesday next term to meet individually with students in a confidential, safe and supportive environment. Further information about the referral process can be found in Joanna’s introduction in this newsletter.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday break.
Marianne Farrugia
Assistant Principal – Director of Learning

Hello students, staff and families of St Raphael's School,
I will be joining your School community every Tuesday in Term 4 as your School Counsellor. I am an experienced Teacher and Counsellor holding qualifications in Psychology, Education and Counselling, and I am really excited to be taking on this new role to help support the wellbeing of students at your School.
Students in Year 5 and 6 can ask their teachers, parents/caregivers or myself for a counselling appointment, but a referral form must be completed prior to attending an appointment. Students in Reception - Year 4 will need a parent/guardian to complete the referral form prior to making a counselling appointment, and can ask a teacher to help them with this.
Referral forms can be found in the Office, or you can ask a teacher to share one with you.
I look forward to meeting you all soon!
Kind regards,

School Soccer Medallions and Soccer Skills Certificates
The presentation of participation medallions and certificates for those students who played school soccer this winter season and also for those students who participated in the Soccer Skills Program during this term, took place at our school Assembly last Friday. I would like to say THANK YOU to all of the parents/caregivers who supported their children to participate in these programs. We must never underestimate the positive benefits of children having opportunities to participate in sport. Please see the photos attached.
Term 4 After School Sports Program – Basketball /Netball Skills
Kelly Sports, an outsourced sports provider, will be offering a 5-week sports program for interested students across all year levels in Term 4. It will be held after school on Tuesdays on the school courts from 3:15 – 4:15pm and the focus skill themes will be BASKETBALL / NETBALL. The program will commence on Tuesday 19 October. Cost of the program is $66. Registration / payment is an online process. A flyer is available here and a copy will be distributed to the eldest child in each family today.
Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival
The Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival will take place on Tuesday 2 November (Week 4 of Term 4). Trials have taken place for most events and those students in Years 3 – 6 who have been selected will be informed by the end of the week and an accompanying note will also be sent home with details of upcoming before school trainings, etc in preparation for the carnival.
Dance/Aerobics Program in Term 4
In Weeks 1 to 3 of next term, during PE lessons, students in all year levels, will be participating in a 3-week dance/aerobics program. The program will be led by an instructor from MissFIT Movement, who will progressively teach students a choreographed dance to popular music over the 3 week period.
School Cricket – Resumes in Term 4
Cricket will be up and running again in Term 4 for those students involved in the Master Blaster Team and the C Grade Junior and Senior Combined Teams. Our C Grade players will combine with students from Mitcham Primary in Term 4. More cricket details will be distributed soon.
Jeanette Archer
P.E. and Sport Coordinator

This morning our learners where enthralled by our very special visitor, nine times gold medal winning Paralympian, Libby Kosmala. Libby is the great-aunty of Harry E (Year 3) and George E (Year 1).

A reminder that the canteen will be open for orders as normal this Friday, with the exception of frozen products and milk drinks. Please order as usual using Qkr! or via the class box.
Emma Alexander
Canteen Manager

Date: 28 October 2021 6:30pm - 28 October 2021 7:30pm
Venue: St Raphael's School, 114 Glen Osmond Rd Parkside, Parkside, South Australia, 5063
Our school is hosting a ThinkUKnow presentation on 28 October at 6:30pm and all parents and carers are encouraged to attend and asked to RSVP via the online form found here, proudly brought to your by our Parent and Friends Committee.
ThinkUKnow Australia is an evidence based education program delivered nationally to prevent online child sexual exploitation.
ThinkUKnow Australia is a partnership between the Australian Federal Police, Microsoft Australia, Datacom and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. The program is delivered in collaboration with policing partners New South Wales Police Force, Northern Territory Police, Queensland Police, South Australia Police, Tasmania Police, Western Australia Police, as well as Neighbourhood Watch Australasia.
The presentation will be delivered by a local law enforcement member and an industry volunteer. The presentation is pro-technology and addresses topics including self-generated online child sexual exploitation material, online grooming, image-based abuse, sexual extortion, and importantly encourages help seeking behaviour.
This is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn more about young people and the online environment, and how you can help them to be safe and responsible users of technology.
Our Japanese Spring Festival was held last Thursday 16 September. Please enjoy this colourful gallery of photos from the festival.

Important Dates
Catholic Schools Music Festival
Mercy Day at the Monastery
Term 3 concludes
Term 4 commences
Dance Program (Week 1)
Dance Program (Week 2)
Japanese Assembly
Dance Program Showcase (Week 3)
ThinkUKnow parent educative event
Parish Bulletin

Please enjoy reading the latest Parish Bulletin which is available here.
Enrolment reminder

If students are not returning next year, except for the graduating Year 6 class, parents/caregivers need to contact the school as per the enrolment policy and provide a term’s notice.
Thank you.
Limited scholarships for new families
We’re opening our doors in 2022 to welcome new families into our community through our scholarship program. We have a limited number of scholarship places available from Reception to Year 6, which provide sponsored placements for the 2022 school year.