Newsletter 17 2022

Dear Parents/Caregivers, Students, Staff and Friends of St Raphael's School,
We are almost to the middle of our final term for the 2022 school year and students are being stretched in their thinking as they apply their newfound knowledge to their learning.
Little Raphs Orientation Visits
Next week we begin the little Raph’s Orientation Program with our newest members beginning their transitions visits in preparation for their official educational journey with us in 2023. This is a opportunity for students to get to know the students who will be in their Reception Class as well as orient themselves to our school and our community.
Grandparents/Special VIPs Open Morning
This morning we honoured our treasured grandparents and special VIPs with a Liturgy and Open Morning. It was wonderful seeing so many families represented by loved ones. One of the highlights of this morning’s gathering was the time spent in learning spaces, and the opportunity for children to share their learning with their special guests. Special VIPs also enjoyed a game of lawn bowls too!
Years 3,4,5 and 6 Camp to Dzintari Campsite, Yankalilla
Last week we welcomed back our Year 3-6 students from their camp experience. I am sure that there were many stories, both true and possibly embellished, shared with their families regarding their adventures. I commend Kelly Manera’s, AP Director of Learning, article to you regarding her insights of the camp experience.
Vacation Care
From time-to-time parents/caregivers enquire about Vacation Care during school term breaks and at the moment, this is not a service we provide. Currently, our families access this service at a number of local sites. During a recent School Board Meeting the idea of Vacation Care at St Raphael’s School was discussed. In order to have a sustainable Vacation Care program there needs to be a confirmed commitment of families needing this service. To this end, I ask families who may be interested in a possible Vacation Care to complete the survey here.
Physical Education Week
Next week we are having a special Physical Education Week with a few planned activities for students to engage in throughout the week. Year 6 House leaders will lead many of the school-based activities, including morning aerobics, bring your ‘wheel’s’ to school day and our PE Assembly, Friday 18 November beginning at 11:30 am. We look forward to a very active week!
School Concert
On Tuesday 22 November we will hold our School Concert beginning at 6:30pm. This year we are also providing a matinee at 11:30am for our extended family members to enjoy the concert during the day. Adult tickets cost $5 and parents/caregivers can order their tickets via Qrk!. Information about the concert has been sent to families and if parents/caregivers are unsure of any details regarding costumes, and concert arrangements please contact class teachers. We are looking forward to a fantastic night celebrating our students’ talents.
With every best wish,
Mia Harms
We hope you enjoy this gallery of photos taken at today's event.

Christmas Concert
Our St Raphael’s School Christmas Concert will be held on Tuesday 22 November (Week 6) with two performance times - a matinee performance (during school hours) at 11:30am and an evening performance (after school hours) at 6:30pm. The event will take place in the school hall and all Reception - Year 6 students will be required to attend and perform at both performances.
Tickets $5 per adult are available via Qkr! app. Children free.
We warmly congratulate Braxton C, Nathan F and Oliver H for their extraordinary guitar and singing performance at Grandparents Day where they performed the legendary Elvis hit song 'Can't Help Falling in Love With You'.
Well done boys, you were incredible!
Amanda Flynn
Performing Arts Coordinator
School Camp: Building Confidence and Resilience
Last week, I joined the Year 3 to Year 6 students on their school camp at Yankalilla, and it brought back many memories of my personal school camp experiences I recall visiting Narnu Farm in Year 3 right through to a whole week ‘off the grid’ in the Flinders Ranges in Year 11 and everything in between. I was quickly reminded of the many wonderful opportunities that the school camp experience brings to our young people, many of whom it was their first time away from home. We cannot underestimate how significant this can be for some of our students.
It was wonderful to witness, in action, the many benefits of being connected to nature and off technology, even for 2-3 days. The camp allowed our learners the opportunity to showcase different strengths that may not always be visible in the classroom setting. Teachers commented about ‘seeing’ their students in a different light. Additionally, this camp experience strengthened relationships between peers and showcased the warmth and care our teachers demonstrated to those entrusted in their care. Furthermore, independence was fostered, new activities experienced, and confidence was built.
I must acknowledge the hard work of all our educators who tirelessly planned and coordinated all aspects of the camp behind the scenes to ensure a successful and safe experience, not to mention the around the clock supervision and care to ensure everyone’s wellbeing was taken care of. The payoff, for us as staff, is that we are blessed to witness some significant milestones being demonstrated by our learners. Being resilient was the word of the week and this was expressed when our students tried a new challenge, like body boarding for the first time, holding a crab courageously, tasting a new food at mealtime and one not to be underestimated, falling asleep in a foreign bed, away from the comforts of home.
As I returned home from camp and prepared my own daughter for her Year 4 camp this week, I reflected on the possibilities and opportunities awaiting her and reminisced with fondness about all the camp memories I have made over the years.
I hope and trust that all our learners were able to share and cherish their most recent camp experience and acknowledge how they used their resilient learner disposition in this new context. May all the skills, dispositions and memories experienced be long lasting for them all. I smile when I think about the Year 3 student, who on the bus on the way back from the beach, asked if he could stay for a whole week… I wonder how our fabulous teachers would feel about that! Ultimately, it confirmed just how much he valued the experience after day one!
Student Voice
Our Student Voice team are looking forward to hosting our Penalty Shoot Out Competition next Friday 18 November as part of their fundraising efforts for the Catholic Missions Socktober initiative. All students are invited to wear their team colours or sporting attire for a gold coin donation and opportunity to participate in the soccer shoot out. Our Student Voice representatives hope to raise enough money to purchase a goat or two in a rural community in Ethiopia. They thank you in anticipation for your support!
Kelly Manera
Assistant Principal – Director of Learning
Please enjoy this gallery of photos taken at last week's camp.

Physical Education Week
Next week, commencing Monday 14 November, St Raphael's School is celebrating Physical Education Week with some exciting events planned.
Morning Aerobics
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of next week, our Year 6 House Leaders will lead the school in a morning aerobic fitness routine. First thing in the morning, as soon as the bell goes students will head straight to the hall where they will engage in some vigorous fitness routines.
Monday Mercy
Tuesday Fitzpatrick
Wednesday McAuley
Thursday Community Prayer
Friday Raphael
Wheels Day
On Tuesday and Wednesday students will be able to bring their ‘wheels’ to school and use them in their designated time and ride around the hardcourts in a clockwise direction. You might choose to bring your bike, scooter, skateboard, or anything else that has wheels. However, you must have your helmet! (or any other safety gear required).
Wheels Day Roster
Tuesday 15 November Wednesday 16 November
Recess Year 1 and Year 2 Recess Reception
Lunch Year 3 and Year 4 Lunch Year 5 and Year 6
PE Assembly
On Friday 18 November at 11.30am we will be holding our Physical Education Assembly. We will be celebrating all things PE and highlighting the students and volunteers that have been involved in School Sport, Carnivals and Clinics. Parents and carers are encouraged to attend. Additionally, on the Friday students can wear their sport uniform or team colours to support our Catholic Mission fundraising efforts.
Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to the following students from Years 3 -6 who will be representing St Raphael’s School at the SACPSSA Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 23 November at Bridgestone Stadium, Salisbury.
St Raphael’s Athletics Team 2022
Year 3 Milla, Maria, Lachlan, Herbie, Joshua, Henry
Year 4 Amy, Isla, Celine, Ebony, Jacob, Lucas, Harry, Manny
Year 5 Jessica, Loraine, Luella, Mia, Jemima, Nathan, Braxton, Nicholas, Oliver
Year 6 Savannah, Mia, Holly, Natalia, Lucy, Aiden, Roman, Sidney, Rafael
Water Safety Week
It is with excitement that I let you know that students in Reception - Year 5 at St Raphael’s School will be involved in Water Safety Education as part of the Health and Physical Education program. The Department of Education and Child Development (DECD) Water Safety Education program provides an educational experience that:
- Is designed to encourage students to think for themselves, make good decisions and understand the consequences through simulated open water scenarios and personal survival strategies.
- Promotes confidence and awareness by providing opportunities for students to develop skills and knowledge that can help keep them and others safe in a variety of aquatic environments.
- Focuses on what primary school children are able to learn in their school program to ensure they are able to save themselves in potentially dangerous situations.
When: Daily from Monday 28 November to Thursday 1 December, Week 7, Term 4, 2022
Where: Unley Swimming Centre, Ethel Street, Goodwood
Times: 11.30am -12.30pm Years 4,5 and Reception 60 Minute Lesson
12.30pm – 1.30pm Years 1, 2 and 3 60 Minute Lesson
Please return your permission forms as soon as possible.
Hannah Reid
PE Teacher and Sports Coordinator

Let's get together to socialise and support each other.
Sunday 20 November
School playdate at Princess Elizabeth Playground on South Terrace from 2pm to 4pm, everyone is welcome and we hope to see you there.
Friday 25 November
Meet in the school canteen at 9am to help bake goods to sell at our fundraising stall at The Monastery's Car Boot Sale on November 27.
Sunday 27 November
The P&F will be holding a stall to raise funds for our school, while supporting the Monastery at their Car Boot Sale. If you would like to help on the day, please email Katrina and if you would like to donate items to sell, please drop them off at the front office by Friday November 25. Note: we are unable to accept furniture, white goods, bedding or clothing.
Thank you for your support!
Katrina Tucker
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Important Dates
Year 1 Assembly
Reception - Year 2 Road Safety Centre
PE Week commences
PE Assembly Casual Day
Little Raphs Program Visit 1
Christmas Concert
Little Raphs Program Visit 2
Water Safety Program commences
Student Voice Assembly
Little Raphs Program Visit 3
End of Year Liturgy
Drama Club Play
Little Raphs Program Visit 4
Graduation Mass
Pupil Free Day
Student Voice Casual Day

St Raphael's School Playdate

We invite you to a relaxed and joyful playdate on Sunday 20 November at Princess Elizabeth Playground on South Terrace from 2pm to 4pm.
Hope to see you there.

Parish Bulletin

The latest Parish Bulletin is available here.