Newsletter 5 2022

Dear Parents/Caregivers, Students, Staff, and Friends of St Raphael’s School,
Holy Week Celebrations
Next week marks the beginning of Holy Week a most solemn week in the Catholic Tradition commemorating Jesus' last week on earth and the events leading up to his resurrection on Easter Sunday. We begin our week with a Palm Sunday Liturgy, followed by other significant liturgies throughout the week. As our gatherings will be held outside, parents/caregivers are invited to attend. Please refer to Kelly Manera’s APRIM, Religious Education News section detailing times and events. We look forward to your participation.
Sports Day – Thursday 7 April
Students have been preparing for this day and are excited by what the day will bring. We begin our day at 9:00 am and anticipate concluding at 1:00 pm. Thank you to parents/caregivers who have indicated that they will be attending Sports Day tomorrow. We ask that only two adults per family attend and that masks are worn on site. Due to COVID restrictions, all indoor activities are for students only.
A tremendous thank you to all our families for all raffle donations. We will draw the raffle at the conclusion of Sports Day. Thanks to the generosity of our community, we have an assortment of raffle prizes to be won.
Students can come to school dressed in a sports team coloured t-shirt, coloured hair and coloured zinc. Students’ special attire must be organised at home prior to arriving at school. The Canteen will be opened at lunch time for students to purchase an ice block and lunch orders can be ordered via QR from Eat on Glen Osmond.
As communicated previously, at the conclusion of Sports Day, students may leave with their parents/caregivers. All remaining students will be supervised for the remainder of the day and the OHSC service will proceed as per usual beginning at 3:10 pm.
A coffee van has been organised for the adults to enjoy some light refreshments.
You will find a Sports Day events schedule here.
End of Term
We end our term on Wednesday 13 April as Thursday 14 April has been granted to us from the Catholic Archdiocese as a Pupil Free Day to allow teachers a preparation planning day. We resume school in Term 2 on Tuesday 3 May, as Monday 2 May has also been granted as a preparation planning day. If your child/ren need care on either, Thursday 14 April or Monday 2 May or both days, please contact the Office
I wish all students and their families a very Blessed Easter and I look forward to your return next term.
With every best wish,
Mia Harms

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Holy Week
Next week, we enter into Holy Week, a solemn and reflective time for Christians around the world. It is a very sacred time of the year, for we commemorate and remember the last week of Jesus life on this earth. It begins with Palm Sunday, Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, includes the Last Supper on Holy Thursday and Passion of Jesus on Good Friday and His Resurrection on Easter Sunday.
To walk with Jesus and experience the meaningful liturgical celebrations that this season brings our school community will reflect in the following ways.
Monday 11 April at 9:00am
Outdoor Palm Sunday Liturgy led by our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 students on the courts. Parents are welcome to join us in a COVID safe manner.
Wednesday 13 April at 11:20am
Last Supper Liturgy led by our Year 6 students and Father Denis on the courts. Parents welcome.
Monday- Wednesday
Stations of the Cross Pilgrimage located around the school with images featuring Scripture and activities to support our young learners to make meaning.
On our return back to school in Term 2 we will celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection with an ‘Easter Joy’ prayer service. Our students are also making Easter prayer placemats to be shared with the nursing homes associated with the Parish to bring some joy and colour to residents' Easter meals.
Holy Week and Easter Services at St Paul of the Cross Parish
Please visit the Monastery website for Easter Mass times and for the QR Code if you would like to book into the Good Friday Stations of the Cross in the Sacred Garden.
Large Cross constructed by the Parish Men’s Shed
Yesterday Alan from the Monastery Men’s Shed presented our school with a large handmade cross. This beautiful addition to our prayer garden will be cherished, especially during the Lenten and Easter seasons. The Men’s Shed is a small dedicated group, that meet weekly and work on community projects. We look forward to continue the partnership with the group and hope to engage in some other projects and initiatives in the future.
As the term draws to a close, our heartfelt thanks to all in our community who have navigated through some challenging times. We have all rallied together to support one another and be in community as best we can. I hope the holiday break offers some respite and connection for all our families, staff and students.
May the spirit of the Risen Christ be always with you. May you be blessed with the gift of love, presence of hope and promise of peace in your lives.
God bless,
Kelly Manera
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission

Sports Day Thursday 7 April
Sports Day will take place on the school grounds commencing at 9:00am and concluding at 1:00pm approximately. Students will be expected to arrive at school at normal time. OSHC will operate as usual (before and after school care) on this day. Sports Day will be a rotating ‘activity station/tabloid’ format (6 stations in all), followed by baton relays and tug-of-war. A distance race also will be held for selected students in Years 3-6. Parents are encouraged to move around the stations with their child’s class. If a designated parent/caregiver is present at the conclusion of the events, there is the option to take your child/children home early. If not, students will remain at school until normal dismissal time at 3:10pm.
SACPSSA Swimming Carnival
Well done the 16 students from year 4-6 who proudly represented St Raphael’s School at the annual SACPSSA Swimming Carnival held at Oaklands Park on March 24. Our students showcased our school values, supporting each other throughout the day, as well as a growth mindset and positive attitude to give each race their very best.
Term 2 Sport Reception – Year 2
Don’t forget to register! Kelly Sports is coming to St Raphael’s School! The Amazing Autumn Sports program for Years Reception – Year 2 allows your child to experience energetic and highly active multi-sport sessions which will challenge and improve your child’s motor and co-ordination skills. In Term 2, the Amazing Autumn Sports program includes: football, soccer, basketball and netball. Starts Tuesday May 10, 3.15- 4.15pm on the school courts.
Term 2 Sport
It is not too late to register interest for netball, if your child is in Years 4-6 and interested in playing for the school please email me ASAP at, games will be played on Thursdays afterschool at Priceline Stadium. We are in need of 2 more players.
Hannah Reid
P.E. and Sport Coordinator

Thank you families for your generous donations and support of our Sports Day Raffle. The pictures above show some of the great prizes on offer. Good luck in tomorrow's prize draw.

School Fees 2022
Updated school fee statements as at Thursday 31st March have been sent home via your child this week. They show the 2022 fees, sibling discounts and payments received.
Please be assured of the school’s support for your family during these difficult times. If you are having difficulty paying fees, please contact Damian to make a time to discuss assistance and payment options available.
School Card 2022
School Card needs to be re-applied for on an annual basis. 2022 School Card application forms are now available online and from the Front Office, please apply as soon as possible.
If you are having difficulty with meeting your fee obligations or have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Damian Emery (Finance Officer) or Mia Harms (Principal) on 8272 2368.
Thank you
Damian Emery
Finance Officer

Prizes Announced
Our local Parkside and Eastwood businesses are coming together to support our 14 May Trivia Night and we are pleased to acknowledge and thank the following businesses for their support in the form of generous vouchers to be won on the night. With even more businesses to be announced, our Trivia Night will be a wonderful celebration of our wider school community and we look forward to enjoying it with all of those who can attend.
The London Skin Clinic is Adelaide’s most exclusive skin health clinic. Situated on Glen Osmond Rd they specialise in leading advanced skin health programmes and treatments that deliver measurable results to all skin types.
FUMO restaurant serves wood oven pizza and offers an extensive wine list, craft beers, house made pasta, house made desserts and gluten free options.
East Borough Eatery is a modern brunch space located on Glen Osmond Rd, serving up breakfast, brunch and lunch, meals with a variety of vegan and vegetarian options.
Art To Art on Glen Osmond Rd has all you essential art needs including paints, brushes, canvases, pastels, charcoals, pencils, markers, inks and accessories. They cater for professionals, students, children and hobbyists.
Senorita Nail Salon is more than just manicures on Glen Osmond Rd. Skincare products used are thoughtfully handcrafted, in small batches, using the highest quality ingredients.
Uncle Gino's Barber Shop on Glen Osmond Rd offers a skin fade or a fresh new look, for men’s and kid’s haircuts. No bookings required and all walk ins welcome.
Jenny’s Gourmet Bakery delights in crafting cakes and pastries fresh every day as well as serving breakfast, brunch and lunch on Glen Osmond Rd.
Botanica Medica on Glen Osmond Rd is Adelaide’s premiere multi-disciplinary wellness clinic. Their shop offers the best in natural health care, cosmetics, teas and beautiful gifts.
Pleasant Chinese Massage unites the touch of professional and certified Chinese massage therapists with tired and achy bodies.
Tickets are being sold through Humanatix here for further information please email Katrina at
Tickets are $10 each or $60 for a table of 6. All tables seat 6 people.
This event is BYO food and drinks and is for adults only.
Katrina Tucker
Marketing and Communications Coordinator

In Religious Education this term, Year 5 students have explored how donating to Project Compassion supports the Catholic Social Teaching principle, ‘Preferential Option for the Poor.’ On Monday 11 April (Week 11) all St Raphael’s School students will receive a Holy Week Ribbon from the Year 5 students and are asked to donate a coin to Project Compassion. Students will be able to wear their ribbon all week as they journey with Jesus in His final days before His Resurrection.
Thank you,
Year 5 Students
Over 50 per cent of all children aged 5 to 11 have now received a first dose, with many now due for a second dose (eight weeks after the first).
In particular as we approach school holidays and the weather cools down, it is important to take steps to minimise the impact of COVID-19. Vaccines are an effective way to protect your child, and the community.
The Department of Health website provides a number of resources with further information about seeking COVID-19 vaccination. Further resources are also available at:
Vaccines are widely available across the country at general practices, state-run clinics and Aboriginal Health Services. You can find a participating clinic and make an appointment by visiting the Vaccine Clinic Finder at:
Important Dates
Sports Day 2022
Term 1 concludes
Preparation/Pupil Free Day
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Preparation/Pupil Free Day
Term 2 commences
Trivia Night
Reporting an Absence

It is vital that all parents/caregivers inform us before 9:00am of a student absence using one of the following methods:
Phone: 8272 2368
Skoolbag App: submit the mobile form via the app
Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies at St Paul of the Cross Parish

Please find below links to the bulletin, family reflection and the Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies.
If you wish to book for Way of the Cross in the Sacred Garden, please click here