Newsletter 9 2021

Dear Parents/Caregivers, Students, Staff, and Friends of St Raphael’s School,
As we near the end of the school term, there is still much happening in our school. Teachers are currently preparing Semester 1 Reports for students. Reports will be sent home on Monday 28 June with an opportunity for parents/caregivers to make contact with teachers should they wish to have a learning conversation about their child/ren’s learning.
On Saturday 19 June the Parents and Friends have organised a ‘Working Bee’ and all families are welcome to come along any time from 1:00pm – 4:00pm. We’ll conclude with a delicious afternoon tea and we would love to see you there. Students are welcome to come along too. Please RSVP here if you are able to attend.
Next week students in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 will be attending a 3-day camp to Woodhouse Activity Centre. Marianne Farrugia and I will also be in attendance, in part, over the three days. I know that students are becoming quite excited to attend camp and for some students this may be their first experience of being away from home. I thank our teachers who willingly take students on camp because they too leave their families behind to give our students this wonderful educative experience. I am sure that on their return, students and no doubt teachers, will have many stories to share with their families.
Thank you to all families who follow health guidelines and keep their children home if unwell or are displaying flu/cold like symptoms. Please be assured that students will be sent home if unwell. I also remind families to continue to use the COVID-Safe Check-In QR code clearly visible on gates and doors, when entering our school site.
On the last day of term, Friday 2 July, all staff will be involved in a staff retreat day at the Monastery led by Fr Denis Travers. This is an important part of staff faith formation and Catholic Identity. Students will conclude the term on Thursday 1 July at 3:10 pm. Please note that the school Office will be closed on Friday 2 July and will re-open on Monday 19 July.
Next term, on Monday 19 July our teachers will be combining with teachers from St Joseph’s School, Kingswood and St Thomas School, Goodwood for a day of professional learning to further their understanding and application of Visible Learning. The day will be focussed on effective student feedback. The Office will be open on this day and students return to school on Tuesday 20 July.
OSHC will be available for families on both professional learning days Friday 2 July and Monday 19 July, if numbers allow. Please contact Anne O’Connell if you require OSHC on either or both of these days.
We congratulate Pauline Connell who has accepted two chaplaincy roles, one at the Women's and Children's Hospital and the other at the Adelaide Women's Prison. Pauline has supported our families and students over the years as Pastoral Associate. She has been a great friend to our community and will be saddly missed. We wish her all the very best.
With every best wish,
Mia Harms

Last Friday, Theresa Branch from Fred’s Van came to speak to the students about the outreach they provide those experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness and marginalisation. Fred’s Van provides comfort and a warm and nutritious meal each night. They operate from eight sites across Adelaide and two regional sites in Port Lincoln and Port Pirie. This service is delivered by the work and commitment of more than 650 volunteers. Our students asked lots of questions and are currently discussing ways in which they can help support both Fred’s Van and Vinnies.
Year 3 and 4 Mass
Today our Year 3 and Year 4 students attended Mass at St Raphael’s Church. It was lovely to reconnect with the parish. Father Tony Simbel, who has recently been ordained a priest, presided the Mass and reflected on today’s Gospel around praying, fasting and almsgiving: a reminder from Lent. May we continue to reflect on praying especially in the busyness of our daily lives.
Knitting Club
We had a wonderful turn out of students interested in learning how to knit. We are still seeking donations of wool if you have any at home that you would like to donate.
Year 5 Prayers
Our Year 5 learners have been focussing on Jesus’ healing and compassion in their Religious Education lessons. Below are some of the prayers students have been preparing to share with the residents of Estia Health Nursing Home.
Dear God
We know that you show kindness and compassion to all. Please make sure you show extra kindness to all the residents at Estia health nursing home.
Just like when you showed compassion to Jairus’ daughter and healed her.
We also know that you are here at Estia health nursing home, taking care of all residents and their families.
The staff and students at St Raphael’s School want the residents to know that we hope their best day is every day and we think and pray for you every day too.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Above prayer by Georgia
Dear God
We know that you show kindness to everyone especially the homeless and the sick.
Just like when you healed the woman with a blood disease that touched your robe.
We also know that you are always here to help people like people in Estia Nursing Home.
The staff and students at St. Raphael’s School want you to know that we care for the people at Estia Nursing Home.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Above prayer by Roman
Southern Cross
Please click here to view the latest edition of the Southern Cross – South Australia’s Catholic News.
Vinnies Winter Appeal
This is a final request for donations of good quality used or new warm clothing and blankets to support the Vinnies Winter Appeal. The wheelie bins are located outside the front office for you to make your donations. We thank you for your generosity and support.
Wishing you a great week ahead.
“A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just”. Pope Francis
God bless,
Kelly Manera
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission

We are now settling into the season of the church called Ordinary Time. You will notice the priests will be wearing their green vestments. Ordinary Time is the longest season. It is a season where we are able to slow down and reflect upon the ‘ordinary’ gifts and times in our lives. Do I take the time to appreciate all that nature offers me? Do I give the amount of attention to my family I would like? Or do I allow myself to be distracted by other demands of life like work? Do I take time just ‘to be’? Perhaps as a family try to create some goals to achieve together. A regular walk; reading a story together; playing board games instead of TV or screens; cooking and sharing a meal together. Whatever you choose, be very intentional about it and notice how you feel. Maybe you might like to share with God in a prayer how you are……
This is the last newsletter I will be writing. After a period of discernment I have decided to accept two chaplaincy roles. I have greatly enjoyed being part of the school community over the past 14 years. I have been fortunate to meet many children, staff and families as part of my role as Pastoral Associate while working with Passionist community at The Monastery. The school and its community continues to grow and develop in wonderful ways responding to the needs of the students and their families always within the context of our shared Catholic faith. I will continue to be part of the parish but not be able to visit the school as I have done so in the past.
I’m pleased we’ve been able to begin our knitting project! I hope you continue to enjoy the fruits of your work and studies wherever they may lead you . God’s peace and blessings to you all.
Pauline Connell
Parish Associate

Assessment and Reporting
Students are currently completing assessments of this term’s learning which teachers will use to inform the student Semester 1 Reports which will go home on Monday of Week 10.
The formal report, received by families twice per year as per legislation, is one of the many ways teachers communicate the learning progress and achievement of students with families. Parent/teacher/student learning conversations, which were undertaken late last term, is another form of reporting, as is our ongoing communication of learning progress via Seesaw.
Schools are required to provide an A-E grading for each learning area on the school report for students in Year 1 and above. Teachers make this assessment in relation to the Achievement Standards of each learning area. It is interesting to note that the Achievement Standards are written to describe the learning in that area required by the end of the year, or years, it is written for. As teachers cannot fully assess against the achievement standard until the end of the year, the mid-year report is therefore a progress report only.
More information on the Australian Curriculum can be found at As Religious Education is not one of the learning areas described by the Australian Curriculum, teachers use the Crossways Religious Education Curriculum as their basis for learning and assessment design in RE.
When receiving your child’s report, you might like to speak with them about how they see their learning has progressed across the year so far and how they have used their learning dispositions to help them learn.
Marianne Farrugia
Director of Learning
The Catholic Schools Music Festival choir have had another visit from director Denise. They have started memorising their pieces and choreography in preparation for the hub assessment in Week 9. They are looking forward to performing at Celebrate Music.
Amanda Rugari
Performing Arts Coordinator

Catholic Schools Lacrosse Carnival
On Monday 7 June, nearly 40 of our Year 3 to Year 6 students participated in the annual Catholic Schools Lacrosse Carnival at Barratt Reserve, West Beach. We had been preparing for the Carnival for several weeks in PE Lessons, learning the rules of the game and practising the basic skills in a team situation. Students played 5 or 6 ‘friendly’ games across the day, showcasing their Learner Disposition of Collaboration, as they played, co-operated and strategized in their teams. The Learner Disposition of Resilience was evident also, as the weather conditions were challenging with very strong winds. Despite the challenge of the weather, all students put forward their best efforts throughout the day.
I congratulate the following students on their excellent sporting and general behaviour during the event: Jacob J, Nathan F, Luca L, Ethan T, Isla A, Amy S, Jessica S, Luella R, Mia P, Elaine G, Caroline S, Celine P, Loraine C, Jemima McI, Ivy H, Aiden B, Ashton C, Roman R, Sidney D, Xavier R, Alessandro C, Hugo N, Zane G, Lucas S, Josh McK, Archie N, Gracie N, Savannah D, Georgia A, Natalia S, Holly K, Sienna C, Sarah F, Sara M, Angela M, Ada L, Naomi T & Rebecca S
Many thanks to the following parents who volunteered their time to help with supervision of the teams throughout the day: Kylie Neal, Michelle Santin, Adriana Calvanese, Emma Alexander and Phil Buttfield. Additionally, thank you to my colleagues, Anthony Sicari, David Monti and Julie Purdie for their assistance on the day. A great team effort overall!
Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival
Our next carnival that Year 3 - 6 students are starting to prepare for is the Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival, which will be held next term in Week 3 (Thursday 5 August). Trainings will commence next week on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings before school from 8:30 – 8:50am. Interested students will bring home a note in next few days with all the details.
Soccer Skills Program – Term 3
On Saturday mornings during Term 3 (Weeks 2 -7), we will be offering a soccer program for our Reception to Year 3 students. It will be led by Ernie Luongo, who is the director of Soccer2Sports Academy. The program will introduce students to important concepts of the game and teach correct technique enhancing their ability as young soccer players. A flyer will be distributed to all students in Reception – Year 3 by the end of the week with all necessary details for registering your child online.
Holiday Sports Clinics
AFL Football: SANFL are holding skills clinics for students aged 5 - 12 in various locations in metro and country areas. Click here for more details.
Soccer: FSA (Football Star Academy) are holding holiday clinics for 5 - 12 year olds at Glenunga Hub Reserve on 13 July 9:30am to 1:00pm. Further details are available here.
Jeanette Archer
PE and Sport Coordinator
It's with a heavy heart that I have made the difficult decision to say goodbye to the Wednesday afternoon art classes at St Raphael's School. I have been running these classes for almost three years and have thoroughly enjoyed each and every lesson. My students have all inspired me with their enthusiasm, inquisitive spirits and imagination. It's been quite an adventure teaching art to a truly talented and marvelous group of students. Some of which have been with me since the very beginning. It was not an easy decision to make, but my freelance illustration work has taken on a whole new direction, which regrettably does not leave much room to give the art classes the time and energy they deserve. I am so grateful to the school for providing me the space to run these classes. It's been such an invaluable experience. I will miss each and every one of the students I have taught and have some truly wonderful memories to take with me. On saying this you never know what's around the corner, who knows, maybe it's not goodbye, it's just see you later.
Lauren Herraman

Taco Thursday
On Thursday 1 July, to celebrate the end of Term 2 we will be having Taco Thursday. An order form with all the order details will be coming home today. Please note Qkr! Orders will close on Monday 28 June. Please ensure all orders are in by that date for catering purposes.
Emma Alexander
Canteen Manager

Reminder school fees
Instalment Term 1 - Due Date 1 March– Overdue
Instalment Term 2 - Due Date 1 May – Overdue
Instalment Term 3 - Due Date 1 August
Instalment Term 4 - Due Date 1 November
Families are reminded to adhere to payment terms.
If you have any queries regarding school fees, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you.
Jodi Jansons
Finance Officer
Ph: 8272 2368

This term our school outreach focus is to provide donations to the Vinnies Winter Appeal. Wheelie bins are located outside the school office where donations of clothing, blankets and other quality items can be placed. Thank you for your support.
‘Never see a need without doing something about it.’ Blessed Mary Mackillop.
Important Dates
Little Raphs Program Visit 4
Working Bee
Camp commences
Camp concludes
Reception/Year 1/Year 2 Liturgy
Little Raphs Program Visit 5
Celebrate Music
Term 2 concludes
Staff Retreat/Pupil Free Day
Pupil Free Day
Term 3 commences
Children's safety is everyone's responsibility

For the safety of children please make sure the OSHC gate is closed at all times.
Stay home if unwell

It is important that students who are unwell stay at home to stop the spread of illness within the school community. Thank you.
Vacation Care
Parkside Community OSHC will be running a vacation care program in the July school holidays. More information is available here.
Premier's Reading Challenge

Congratulations to the Year 1 class who are the first class to complete their Premier's Reading Challenge: Daniel H, George E, Indiana R, Julian S, Leo T, Matthew G, Nathanael F, Riley K, Sebastian B, Alex C, Evan Z and Conner V.